Saturday, February 13, 2010

Henri is...

Christmas pics still to come, but here's a little update on the ins and outs of Henri-dom:

One Year old!
21 lbs.
outgrowing his 12-mo. stuff as we speak...
LOVES dancing.
Pretty darn ready to walk.
Likes his new chubby legos (and by new I mean used).
Always wants us to put on the cds he pulls off the shelf (and, no matter what it is- he dances).
Got the nut off the bolt that holds our little metal table in the kitchen together...
Likes to eat. Especially MEAT!
Is such a cutie and a sweetie, you just can't hardly stand it!

That's just a taste, of course, but that'll do for now! Ciao!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Grandpa! Come over here! No, Grandpa! Come over HERE!!!

Tryptophan... working... already...

The whole Fam Damily!
(Bates-side, anyway...)