Sunday, May 24, 2009


Live footage of Bubba discovering
his Left Arm, his Right Arm, his Feet, and his Voice! ;D
(All within the span of about a week or two!)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My husband told me to post my new poem:

My Little River

Every little thing you do
carves its way into my heart.
I'm sure
that when I die
if they were to cut me open,
pull apart my ribs,
they would find that a great, grand canyon
had come to take the place of my old
heart. Owing all its awesome beauty
to the perfect love
of a mother
for her growing
infant son,
carved out over a lifetime,
bit by bit,
with every little thing you do.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day, Momma[s]!

Mother, may I
be one, too?

Mother, may I
emulate you?

Mother, may I
join the role?

Mother, may I
become whole?

Mother, may I
learn to be?

Mother, may I
mother me?

Mother, may I
die some day?

Mother, may I
learn to pray?

Mother, may I?

Yes. You may.


Friday, May 8, 2009

Firsts: Things that GO!!

First, a ferry ride (to Vashon, WA)! Then, a train ride (to Olympia, WA)!